Guiding you to better health
Renaissance Integrative Healthcare (RIH) was founded to serve as a resource center for those interested in finding a health care practitioner. While most practitioners taking part in Renaissance Integrative Healthcare practice Integrative or alternative medicine, we also are seeking to include conventionally trained health practitioners who are working on converting their practice to a more Integrative model. We can assist health professionals in obtaining the training necessary to practice in an integrative way. ​
At RIH, we believe that the healthcare system has got off track and has drifted away from the basic ethical principles that should underlie all aspects of patient care. We have founded RIH to promote these foundational principles and invite all who still believe in them to be a part of recreating a better, more ethically grounded system of health care. Here are some of the principles we hope to restore:
The Hippocratic oath must always be observed: We follow the precept: "First do no harm". "Safe" and "effective" are not just words to be casually bandied about. We aim to make these words a reality.
Informed consent must always honored: Clear explanations of risks and benefits must always be always given. Signing a form is no substitute for the exchange of information that characterizes true informed consent.
No mandatory treatments: Free choice in health decision-making will always be respected.
Humanistic medicine: People must always be treated as human beings, not as numbers, diagnostic codes or billing codes.
Prevention, not disease management should be paramount: Our health care system should be about promoting health, not just symptom or disease management. We emphasize natural and holistic treatments , although acknowledging that there will still be some role for pharmaceutical treatment.
We treat causes of illness, not just symptoms: RIH aspires to get at root causes of illness, not just palliate the symptoms of illness. Healing can only occur when root causes are addressed. RIH aspires to get at root causes of illness, and heal by removing these causes.
We believe in the body's native healing powers —the "vis medicatrix naturae" or healing power of nature: Our treatment approaches often amplify the body's innate homeostatic mechanisms to advance health.