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  • Integrative Nutrition | RIH

    Integrative Nutrition While Nutrition is an important component of what Integrative Nutritionists do, they have extensive training as health coaches, and provide guidance about getting you healthy and keeping you healthy using a holistic approach, which may include functional medicine, exercise programs or other lifestyle medicine interventions. Most are graduates of certified training programs. Providers Lisa k. lopes NBC-hwc

  • Integrative Medicine | RIH

    Integrative Medicine Integrative Medicine brings together a variety of alternative health treatment methods, similar to Naturopathy, but it also recognizes a valid role for conventional medical treatments, and may utilize these together with or separately from alternative modalities. Different Integrative Medical Practitioners combine treatments in different ways, using less or more naturopathic vis a vis conventional treatments. Providers Mark Brody MD

  • Functional Medicine | RIH

    Functional Medicine Derived from the work of American Dr. Jeffery Bland, functional medicine addresses imbalances in the body due to excesses of toxins or deficiency of vital nutrients and aims to detoxify and restore a healthy biochemical balance to the body. Functional medicine practitioners place a big emphasis on restoring normalcy to the gastro-intestinal system, and in particular, the microbiome. Providers Mark Brody MD

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