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Jillian VanNostrand RN

Address: 572 Arcade Ave., Seekonk, MA  02771

Hours: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday by appointment 7 am -12 noon


phone: 774-487-7092


Services:  Evolved Breast Health Care Using European Thermography:  functional evaluation, teaching, treatment, referrals, remote tracking & follow-up.


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My Practice

What is it?

European Thermography measures your baseline autonomic nervous system function via surface temperatures, and then it compares those results to the second set of temperatures, which are taken following a brief period of cold stress.  The data reliably reflects the impact of various stressors on various body systems, and suggests various interventions to reduce or eliminate stressors. 

Test, interpretation and initial treatment take about an hour and a half. You receive the results to keep or share, and one remote follow-up is included. Women can screen for breast health.  Men can screen for prostate and testicular health.


European Thermography is an essential ingredient in any recipe for breast health today. It's based on your life-long medical history, reveals hidden inflammation in all systems, is non-invasive, painless, generates 6 color pages of imaging, triage, 'homework' for follow up and suggestions for further testing.  It is a non-diagnostic test designed for helping you shift the biological terrain of your body away from any illness.  It provides an illustrated outline of 13 established criteria in the autonomic system correlated to developing breast diseases. If you are 'flagged' on more than 5 criteria, you'll have plenty of teachings and interventions about clearing up your biological terrain to improve overall functions before rechecking in follow-up.  All of these 13 factors, and many others, can be addressed at any stage of health or illness. This makes European Thermography incredibly useful as a reliable and preventive standard of care.  


Why isn't everyone getting European Thermography?  Insurance companies won't pay for it unless you've first had a mammogram, or unless your practitioner writes you a prescription for it specifically, or unless you go get one and pay for it out of pocket.


From a functional medicine viewpoint, mammograms as the gold standard of breast health are no longer the highest standard of womens' breast healthcare.  If this reality makes you uncomfortable, consider that difficult sensation the latest treasure of your inner knowing!  Finding your inner map of life change is often precipitated by the hardest feelings of all:  denial, shock, anger and more. That's true at any age and stage.  There is so much more for you to move through and beyond in your powerful being.  Your growing fear of a yearly x-ray coupled with the warning to 'eat healthy and exercise' reflects a true warning in your body.  Of course, an x-ray is not breast health.  Your feelings are your facts.  


After 40 years of working in healthcare, I find that 1 in 8 women in this country still has breast cancer. Cancer research, diagnosis and treatment have not changed that number here since the last century.  What's more complicated, all the indignities of classist, racist, ageist, sexist 'norms' you might imagine are embedded in all standard healthcare. There's no excuse. Irradiating healthy breasts to check for cancer every year makes big data that is over-read, over-treated, and apparently not enough to prevent your death from a possibly avoidable malignancy. I invite you to come and engage your journey towards health in a curious and playful way when you're feeling good, just to see your baseline.  You'll get a preview of actual breast health care and a baseline.  You'll learn standard measures of care no one's ever told you about changing your course to avoid injury.  Then come back and follow up again when you're not feeling so well, and you can't figure out why.  You may be amazed at learning the powers of your expanding mind at work in your magnificent energy field. 

All welcome. You choose. You're the Explorer. It's your Journey. It's your Vessel. 

Feel the sea change?


Sliding Scale:  Yes. Please inquire.


Training & Background:  

Since 2014, I've been working at Seacoast Breast Health in Seekonk Massachusetts, trained and supervised by Dr. Joann Monteiro, DC, of Seekonk Family Chiropractic. 

My background training is in natural sciences, especially psychology, sexuality, midwifery, herbalism, storytelling, writing and teaching.  The long arc of my life's work aims high, through many different lenses, at improving health outcomes for women and their families. I have learned that the work of homebirth midwifery is the same as colon therapy work, insofar as helping people to move energy down and out in a timely and natural fashion. I have expertise in helping people move energy blocks of all kinds. I support people learning to navigate healthcare choices by developing an inner locus of control in the quest for natural well-being.  

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